like Ten10 plastic free

Major racing events in Cape Town are going plastic free and taking littering seriously. This is just another step forward in the fight to save the planet


In an effort to make South Africa a litter free country, Blake Dyason has approached event organisers to work on solutions for races using the water sachets. Sadly the litter left behind after races is massive, especially when you consider that there is a race nearly every weekend somewhere in the country.

Most race organisers send clean up teams after a race is over but sadly its impossible for them to collect everything from the little plastic bits that are bitten off to the ones that are thrown into the drains or bushes.

“The plastic sachets take hundreds of years to decompose or rather brake down into micro plastics, but the plastic will be around forever and eventually end up in our water systems, oceans or landfills and then in our food source.”

“Imagine how impossible it is to collect the plastic sachets if its windy or rainy.” – Blake Dyason

Blake believes that the running community should lead by example. They have become aware of the impact made on the environment by the litter.

“This year Two Oceans Ultra Marathon made bigger bins and more, and disqualified runners for littering, this was a big step in the right direction and they recycled the plastic to make desks.”

The Festival of Running had a race that had a plastic free policy at the end of July. The race was a big success and has set a huge example for all other races out there!

Sources: Supplied by Blake Dyason
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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